Langauge Lessons for Elementary Students
Lessons in the Primers follow a weekly pattern that includes copybook, narration, grammar, and spelling lessons based on copybook model, nature study, and picture study.
and Spelling
Primer One spelling and grammar lessons reinforce spelling rules, introduce basic sentence skills, practice correct word usage with homonyms, antonyms, and synonyms, teach basic letter-writing, and develop rhyming skills.
Primer Two reviews and builds on Primer One skills, adding a gentle introduction to eight parts of speech in the context of the literary selection. Students become familiar with simile, personification, onomatopoeia, and alliteration.
Copywork and oral narration are the primary composition exercises in the Primer series. These time-proven methods of imitation are the best preparation for students who are still gaining fluency in the physical acts of reading and writing. Charlotte Mason, an early 20th century British educator, wrote extensively about the power of oral narration, combined with Nature Study and Picture Study, in building habits of observation and analysis that are the foundation of every kind of writing.
Nature & Picture Studies
Nature study lessons follow the same sequence in both books: compass direction, trees, and mammals in Autumn, the night sky and birds in Winter, flowers, weather and the water cycle, and insects or spiders in Spring.
Picture study lessons are flexible and provide a wonderful opportunity for creativity.
Check out our resources page to get started.
Teaching Helps
Accompanies Primer One and Primer Two sets of Spring, Autumn, and Winter.
Teaching Helps provides detailed instructions for conducting Copybook, Narration, Grammar & Spelling, Nature Study, and Picture Study lessons
Notes and teacher tips for weekly lessons as well as answer keys for exercises that require them are sure to aid the first time and veteran teacher.