Bards & Poets I Student Book
Bards & Poets is a grammar and composition course for 6th grade and up with lessons structured around the narrative exercise of the classical progymnasmata.
Each lesson is based on a story from classic children's literature or history, or on a classic poem.
Grammar lessons are applied to sentences from the narrative, including challenging sentence diagramming lessons. Also includes studies in poetry, literary analysis, figures of speech, and figures of description.
Please review the downloadable PDF of the required materials for Bards & Poets.
Required Materials:
Recommended Materials:
English Literature for Boys and Girls by H. E. Marshall
Quizlet, an online classroom to view the complete card sets and to compete with other Fable & Song students
A Key to Harvey’s Practical English Grammar
Rhyming Dictionary
A Child’s Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson (free download here)